The living conditions and the features of the existing water and wastewater infrastructure of the target group were assessed. Furthermore, a comprehensive analysis of the formal and informal stakeholders was conducted concerning their capacities, responsibilities, and possible roles in a potential pilot project. The legal framework with regards to water, sewage and hygiene infrastructure as well as related to the target group in general was also analyzed. Based on the results of the physical needs and the analysis of the framework, possible pilot project ideas, and solutions to improve the existing situation and physical infrastructure intervention ideas were developed and discussed within an interactive workshop with the Key Stakeholders consisting of local and national authorities. The final output of the assignment was captured in a report, which one the one hand summarized the major findings and results, including the infrastructure needs and framework assessment, in-depth framework analysis as well as of the analysis on potential sanitation & hygiene approaches and solutions, while on the other hand gave recommendations on the legislative framework and institutional stakeholders. Further, a proposed approach/ sequence for pilot project implementation was developed.
Consulting Services for Off-Site and On-Site Infrastructure for Jenin Industrial Free Zone
The overall developmental objective is the creation of new jobs in the formal sector and thus contributing to the reduction of poverty in the West Bank.