The detailed design and bidding documents were prepared for the following measures:
Water Supply: Drilling and equipping of one new deep well (capacity: 10 l/s; depth: ca. 60 m), re-equipping of 12 well chambers; replacement/extension of water supply network (DN 50 – 300, length: 230 km), Installation of three new chlorination units, construction of new Reservoirs (2 * 200 m³ elevated tank, 600 m³ ground reservoir), procurement and installation of ca. 4.000 water meters, Installation of house connections including lateral lines and inspection pits etc., procurement of various light and heavy duty equipment
Wastewater: Extension of the sewage network (DN 200 to DN 450, length: ca. 50 km), house connections (DN 100 to DN 150, length: ca. 47.0 km), manholes: 1.360 units, inspection chambers: 5,900 units, provision of building materials and planning support for cesspit construction, sewer mains (DN 600, ca. 17 km) and pumping station (Q = 350 m³/h), force main (DN 300, length: ca. 6 km), Wastewater Treatment Plant